2024 Day of Immunology

To celebrate the Day of Immunology 2024, we are bringing Immunology to the schools! Although the Day of Immunology itself falls on Monday 29th of April, practical scheduling and timetable issues mean that we cannot hold out planned event on the date itself, but rather a couple of weeks later on Wednesday May 15th.

We will be visiting school classes to introduce the students to the exciting world of immunology. We are planing to hold a presentation to answer questions such as: "What is the immune system?" and "What does it mean to be "immune”?" Additionally, we will explain how we can leverage the immune system for our benefit, focusing on the impact of vaccinations, an experience many have had due to the pandemic. This approach aims to connect our presentation with everyday life. Finally, we plan to conclude our visit with some questions for the students. The participant with the most correct answers will receive a small prize. 

This even is being sponsored by the Basel Research Centre for Child Health (BRCCH).

Day of Immunology 2024 flyer

Past events to celebrate the Day of Immunology

As the 2023 Day of Imunology fell on a Saturday it was decided that it would be the ideal opportunity to hold a family oriented public event. This took place in the Biozentrum and involved presentations given by Prof. Mascha Binder - Immunotherapy against cancer (Chefärztin Onkologie - Universitätsspital Basel), Prof. Christine Bernsmeier - Diseases of the liver (Leitende Ärztin Gastroenterologie, Hepatologie - Universitäres Bauchzentrum Basel) aand Zora Baumann - Breast cancer research (PhD student - University of Basel, Department of Biomedicine) along with a series of Immunology related games to interest younger atendees.


In 2022 UBICO organized an evening of science for friends, family and members of the UBICO community. This event was opened with a keynote lecture by Ed Palmer followed by a science slam event and an apero to conclude.


2021 was the first year that UBICO organised an event to mark the Day of immunology. In keeping with the major concerns and issues of that time a live stream vaccination info-event was organized by UBICO was held to mark the date. In a discussion panel moderated by Prof. Daniela Finke, UKBB, Prof. Ulrich Heininger, UKBB,  Prof. Sarah Tschudin Sutter, USB, Prof. Christoph Berger, USB und Prof. Nina Khanna, USB discussed vaccinations, how they function and how they could be used against COVID19. A copy of the live-stream discussion was subsequently shared of You-Tube so that it would be freely available to all interested individuals.The event was sponsored by the BRCCH and the Swiss Society of Allergy and Immunology, SSAI